The MEC is part of Wifāqul ‘Ulamā – a network of masjids, organisations, scholars and verified moon-sighters that conduct local moon sighting every 29th of the Islamic month to determine the start of the new Islamic month. In the event of a positive sighting within the UK, the sighting along with pictures and testimony details are sent to the board where it is reviewed, cross-referenced and verified. Wifaqul ‘Ulamā together and in consultation with Batley Moon Sighting Comittee make the decision for the start of Islamic Months based on Moonsighting in UK (primary) and Morocco (secondary). Please note that the decision is not necessarily based on Morocco.
How is the start of an Islamic month determined?
The Islamic months and dates are based on the lunar calendar – therefore, a month can be either 29 days or 30 days in duration.The start and end of a month is determined by searching for the (new) crescent on the 29th. If the moon is sighted, the next Islamic month begins, otherwise the current month completes 30 days and the new Islamic month begins the following day.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
"Observe fast on sighting it (the new moon) and break (fast) on sighting it (the new moon), but if the sky is cloudy for you, then complete the number (of thirty).”
Sahih Muslim
Why don't you follow Saudi?
Firstly, it is incumbent upon all Muslims to implement the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ – searching for the moon is an established Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. By strictly following Saudi, this will result in the abandoning of a sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ .
Secondly, in recent past events, doubt has been cast as to the reliability of the Saudi moon sighting for various reasons. Use of CCD Imagery, unreliable sightings, lack of transparency with regards to moon sighting methods, and other factors. For more information, click here.
Why do you not rely fully on local moon-sighting?
The strongest position in normative Islām is for Muslims to sight the moon at their (respective) location. There is an active practise of Moon-sighting in Britain and the moon is sighted in the UK numerous times in a year. However, the geographical location of the UK and the weather makes sighting of the Moon difficult. If Muslims in the UK were to complete 30 days when the Moon is not sighted on the 29th day, there would be many consecutive months of 30 days and we would find ourselves out of step with the rest of the Ummah. Hence, testimonies are taken from other countries.
What countries do you take reports from & why?
There are a few factors which are considered with regards to the selection criteria for accepting reports from other countries:
- A valid and operational system of Qadhā (Judgement of Islamic Scholars)
- Monthly (observational based) moonsighting system
- Time zone, sunrise and sunset times to be close to UK
- Ease of access
- Rigour and tested to be valid