Muslim Education Centre and Welfare Trust
Your Centre

Your Centre

and that the masājid belong to Allah; so do not invoke anyone along with Allah (72:18)


Muslim Education Centre and Welfare Trust (MECAWT) is a registered charity which has been established since early 1999 and is based in the eastern side of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. MECAWT initially started due to the demand for Islamic education from the local community. It aims to educate people from all works of life, and especially young Muslims in all aspects of their religious and social development. It has since flourished increasing in size and offering key services to the community such as Islamic guidance and literature, shar’ī advice, counselling, a bookshop and a place for worshippers to fulfil their five daily prayers amongst other services. The centre is open to people of all faiths and follow the Hanafī school of thought.

Mission Statement

MECAWT has been set up to serve the local Muslim community by promoting a greater understanding of Islam through charitable, educational, and social means. Our Aim is to contribute towards building and preserving bridges between communities and people at all levels of society through the pursuit of common values and interests. It is our belief that our primary concern should be to serve the needs of the local community and to work towards the common good. MECAWT actively works to promote tolerance and understanding. Along with all the local mosques and a number of Muslim organisations in the High Wycombe area, we are a founding member of the Wycombe Muslim Communication Forum (WMCF). This platform binds together Muslims from different backgrounds and theological schools of thought and is used as a medium to engage with the local authorities on Muslim relevant subjects.

Our Purpose

Our primary purpose is to advance the Islamic faith by providing an after school Islamic centre for children aged 6 –13. This Madrasah or Islamic school follows a set syllabus and runs from the end of Ramadhān to the start of Ramadhān the following year. The Madrasah has been very successful since its inauguration with student waiting lists common throughout the year. In addition MECAWT offers educational resource to older teenagers and adults who wish to learn more about the Islamic faith. Classes and seminars are regularly held in the evening and weekends where individuals can learn the Arabic language, Islamic jurisprudence and ask any questions they may have. In addition to this, MECAWT has drop-in sessions for people not of the Islamic faith who wish to ask questions and understand more about Islam.

Our Values

At MECAWT, our values are firmly rooted and derived from the authentic teachings of the Qurān and Sunnah of the final Messenger PBUH. We strive to be honest, law-abiding, and trustworthy citizens. We treat each other and people of all faiths or no faiths with respect, fairness and justice. We aim to serve the needs of the local Muslim community and work towards a safer, tolerant society that next generations will benefit from.