"O Yahyā, hold on to the scriptures firmly.” And We gave him wisdom, while he was still a child.
Qur’an – 19:12
What will my child learn?
At the Muslim Education Centre, we aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which is age appropriate for all our learners.
Our curriculum is split up into three main categories outlined below. Please click on the images.
What will my child achieve?
Recite the Qur'ān fluently with Tajwīd and with love
Become a confident, practicing & proud Muslim
Earn the happiness and acceptance of Allah ﷻ

Worship Allah ﷻ correctly with sincerity & devotion
Be a positive role model for all of humanity
Understand the tenets of Islam
Parents hold the keys to their child's success
Children thrive off the attention, love and comfort from their parents – without the care of parents, a child cannot achieve their full potential. For this reason, we humbly request parents to give due attention, care and acknowledgement to what their child learns at the madrasah, and the achievements and progress of your child. Below are ways parents can keep engage with what their child learns at the MEC:

Dear parents,
Sending your child to madrasah to be a practicing, confident Muslim/ah is only the first step towards achieving this goal. At the MEC, we will do everything we can to ensure your child is taught to be proud of their Muslim identity and instilled with good character and knowledge. However, a child is only with us for 1 hour 20 minutes per day – the total teaching hours throughout an academic year added together total 257 hours – approximately 11 days. For the remaining time, the child is in your care. Without the help of parents, our efforts as teachers will not be as effective and sometimes can unfortunately prove to be counterintuitive.
Dear parents, it is important to understand our syllabus at the MEC is meant to supplement the syllabus imparted already at home – the education that parents give to their children through their character, mannerisms, and their practicing of Islam. The responsibility to educate your children rests solely upon your shoulders.
Therefore, the most productive setting for the implementation and practice of what your child learns at the madrasah is their home. If a child finds himself/herself in an environment where the teachings of Islam are not being followed to the full extent, or the child is discouraged from practicing what they have learnt, the child will become confused. In many cases, the child will disregard the beliefs and tenets of Islam. In this way, without realising the consequences, we become the greatest obstacle in the path of religious and spiritual success of our children.