This workshop last took place on the 1st January 2023. We plan on repeating this workshop next year (January 2024), inshā’Allah.

This workshop covers the Islamic perspective of puberty and growing up. This is an essential workshop for boys aged 11 and above to attend. The following topics will be covered:
- A brief overview to puberty from a scientific perspective
- Understanding what it means to be Islamically mature
- The significance of using youth wisely
- The age and signs of becoming Islamically mature
- Islamic rulings on matters such as mani, madhi, wadi, and wet dreams
- The correct method of performing ghusl
- Guidelines on shaving and trimming hair
- An open Q&A session to address any questions
Why is this workshop essential?
Children today are becoming increasingly aware and exposed to sensitive topics, including matters of sexuality, at younger ages. With the introduction of Sex & Relationships Education (SRE) in primary schools, they are often presented with a range of conflicting ideas and perspectives. At this critical stage of their lives, it is essential to equip them with Islamic guidance, teachings, and values, ensuring they navigate these changes with confidence and remain firmly grounded in their faith.
Timings & Location
The workshop will take place on Sunday 15th December 2024 from 6:00pm – 7:45pm (Isha will be at 6:00pm). Food and refreshments will also be served after the workshop.
What do you need to bring?
Please bring a pen/pencil with you. There will be handouts and resources given out during the presentation.
This is a free workshop so that all youth can attend. If parents / guardians / attendees wish to contribute towards food and other costs, they can do so by clicking here.
Previous workshop sessions
Sunday 1st January 2023