Your Masjid, Your Heart 💚
Be a pillar of MEC! Setup a direct debit of £15/month
As energy prices soar and the economy becomes increasingly uncertain, our centre faces the challenge of covering its basic operating expenses. We are looking for 100 supporters or ‘Pillars’ to donate £15 per month to help secure and take care of the future of the centre and ensure that we are always able to provide for our community. This is a unique opportunity for our community to make a meaningful impact in the lives of others; all whilst having a share in the reward of all the activities that take place at the MEC.
Our beloved Prophet ﷺ said:
The most beloved of deeds to Allah ﷻ are those that are consistent even if they (the deeds) are small.
Support us in supporting you
"Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah ﷻ ,Allah ﷻ will build for him a house like it in paradise."
[Bukhārī & Muslim]
What are your donations used in?
At MECAWT, we require your sincere donations to carry out our day-to-day activities and services. Your donations are used for the following:

Events – Food and drink

Educational & Social Services

Maintenance & Extensions

Staff Pay

Gas, electricity & water bills