This workshop last took place on the 12th February 2023. We plan on repeating this workshop next year (February 2024), inshā’Allah.

This workshop covers an important aspect that is heavily emphasised in the Qur’ān & Sunnah: of protecting one’s chastity, controlling one’s desires and lowering one’s glance. This is an essential workshop for boys aged 11+ to attend. The following topics will be covered:
- What does Allah ﷻ & his messenger ﷺ say regarding our wants and desires in this world?
- The promise of Shaytān and our Nafs
- What is the evil glance?
- Why guard the gaze?
- How does looking generate desires?
- The harms of evil glances
- How to control desires
- When it goes wrong: Story of Barsisa
- When it goes right: Story of Hadrat Yusuf a.s.
Why is this workshop essential?
Children going through puberty experience a rollercoaster of emotions and feelings. It is essential that they are guided and taught the importance and the need to control their emotions and desires for the sake of Allah ﷻ . This is ever more important with social media, school education, and the general promiscuous nature of today’s society having impressed on children’s minds an incorrect unislamic understanding of desires and feelings.
Timings & Location
Workshop will take place on Sunday 12th February 2023 from 7:15pm – 8:45pm (‘Ishā @ 7:00pm). Food and refreshments will also be served after the workshop.
What do you need to bring?
Please bring a pen/pencil with you. There will be handouts and resources given out during the presentation.
This is a free workshop so that all youth can attend. If parents / guardians / attendees wish to contribute towards food and other costs, they can do so by clicking here.