Fiqh of Fasting

Fiqh of Fasting

Feel confident fasting this Ramadān by learning the ins and outs of fasting

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Does vomiting break your fast? What about taking an injection? Or maybe you’ve forgotten to make intention the night before; does your fast count or do you need to qadhā? This workshop covers all of these questions and much more in detail. Starting from the basics all the way to those who are exempt from fasting; this workshop covers everything you need to know!


To foster assurance and confidence that fasting is performed in the proper manner as exemplified by the Prophet ﷺ.

Topics covered

  • The definition of fasting

  • How and when to make intention

  • Recommended actions (mustahab)

  • Disliked (makrūh actions)
  • Things that invalidate one’s fast

  • Things that do not invalidate one’s fast

  • Frequently asked questions

  • People who are exempt from fasting

Who should attend?

Those who wish to refresh their knowledge of fasting and gain absolute surety in their fasts being accepted in the court of Allah ﷻ . This workshop will start from the basics of fasting, accommodating participants with prior knowledge and those who are learning for the first time.

Timings & Location

Sisters: Sat 18 March @ 2 – 3:30pm

Brothers: Sun 19 March after Maghrib @ 6:19pm till ‘Ishā (8:15pm)


Food and refreshments will also be served after the workshop. 


This workshop is free for all to attend. If you would like to contribute towards food and other costs, you can do so by clicking here.

Registration form

Use the form below to register for the workshop