Fiqh of Salāh

Fiqh of Salāh

6 week crash course – Open to brothers and Sisters

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This Crash Course last took place in January 2023. We plan on repeating this crash course soon, inshā’Allah. Join our WhatsApp group and follow our social media to stay updated.


‘The Fiqh of Salāh’ is a short 6 week crash course on the in’s and out’s of salāh. Be confident in praying your salāh in the correct manner as shown to us by the Prophet ﷺ . 

What topics are covered?

  • Prayer times, adthān & ‘Iqāmah,
  • Conditions (shurūt), integrals (Arkān), Wājibāt, Sunnan, Ādāb (etiquettes) of Salāh
  • Things that invalidate salāh (mufsidāt)
  • Things that are disliked in salāh (makrūhāt)
  • Things that are permissible in salāh
  • Breaking the salāh
  • Praying on a riding animal/conveyance
  • Prayer of the traveller
  • Prayer of the sick person
  • Being absolved of the obligation of praying
  • The witr prayer
  • The emphasised sunnah prayers
  • Tarāwīh
  • Making up missed prayers
  • Prayer in congregation
  • Correcting mistakes in salāh
  • Sajdah of recitation and gratefulness
  • Salāh at different occasions; Īd, janazah

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for brothers & sisters seeking to refresh their memory on the fundamentals of salāh and also for those covering salāh for the first time. (Lessons are taught separately by male and female scholars). Lessons are held in an open, friendly environment, taught in the English medium, and are accompanied with powerpoint presentations.


The course fee is £20. Payment will be taken at registration.


Lessons for brothers will take place every Wednesday after Ishā @8:30pm – 9:30pm or Sunday before/after Dhuhr (based on participants’ availability).


Lessons for sisters will take place every Sunday @ 11:00am – 12:00pm

Course Dates

Start date: First/second week of January

Finish date: Last week of February

Note: These dates are approximate and are subject to change.

Register for 'Fiqh of Salāh'

Use the form below to register for the ‘Fiqh of Salāh’ course